
Napier Tour Example

My example tour of Napier. Bike, car, foot. updated 25mar2024.

Ask the locals as you go where can go next. Your job to look around the next corner to explore. Can google each place and use satellite view map. Or just go get lost. Then you have to interact with the locals.  Can walk/cycle all this from Napier city. And get bus back. Or hitchhike. Or Uber if in quiet times.

Many places have printed maps of Napier, Hawkes Bay. iSite information on Marine Parade south side of the Sound Shell.

Can hire bikes Fish Bike Hire, (now Beach Bikes) marine parade, by Ocean Spa swimming pools (NOT the other hire places) and say max sent you.  Have over 200 km off road paths. And I have more off road routes, (and you can hire me as your personal guide for a donation). http://fishbike.co.nz now called beachbikes. same place on the beach as part of the surf lifesaving building. http://www.hbrc.govt.nz/hawkes-bay/parks-trails-and-open-spaces/hb-trails/ Search pathways in Hawkes Bay.  Many have been damaged by cyclone Grabreal. Can work out off-road routes using Google Maps satellite view. And ask the locals. Explore.

Remember the time to be in Napier is the third week of February, Art Deco Festival. Search it. https://www.artdeconapier.com/ Written as from the city.

- The Museum. Known as MTG.  The history of Napier earthquake is on the bottom floor.

- The Art Deco Trust shop is over the road on the corner. Can do Art Deco tour.
- Art Deco Masonic Hotel. Over road on other corner.   Art Deco foyer Masonic Hotel, then into the front restaurant, see all the old photos on all the walls. May now have to ask to see the photos as areas may be closed off. The Rose Irish pub is through the connecting corridor to the back pub.

- Walk down the main street, Emerson Street, two blocks. Two bronze Art Deco sculptures, in the middle, need to look both sides for them.
-find the "Possum Shop", see the shop display on possums, the last two on the high shelf on the right at the rear.  Ask about what they used to have on display.  They used to have a whole interactive museum. Singing bush birds, a bush hut, singing possums, a shooting range,... Say max sent you. https://www.opossumworld.com/ 

- walk up to beach. The Sound Shell. The sea wall. Information iSite on south side behind Sound Shell, get maps, info, toilets...

- walk north. Tom Parker fountain, changes colour at night. Pania of the Reef statue on east side, read history.  See the lookout pier on the beach. Around Napier port cliffs.

- "Napier Lookout" up Coute Road. Garden and waterfall at bottom of hill. Narrow steep road to top. Giveaway to all uphill traffic. Drive slow. At lookout. Walk left west far down hill. All that land you see came up in the Napier 1931 Earthquake. Walk right East see Cape Kidnappers. Cannot see Napier City. New Zealand map on the very top.

- can also walk up to Lookout via Stern Gully Reserve. This is where I take people up. Ten minutes climb up wooden steps. Walk back down paths in the trees. Can ride/push bikes up road to the reserve at first sharp corner. Nornsey Road directly opposite the middle of the port. Lock bikes to metal cage on left. Track up starts there. Track down through the trees from top starts next to the Radio Ariels hut down to the left. https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@-39.4786788,176.9169036,264m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&authuser=0

-or can walk from the Centennial Gardens Waterfall at the start of Coote Road opposite the old Napier Prison (that has excellent hunted tours). Up Priestley Road to the steep walkway path (39°28'59.2"S 176°55'02.2"E), to Priestley Terance to the east entrance of Stun gully to the lookout.continue north on water front pathway to Ahuriri inner harbour area.

- "Hot Chick", chicken cooked on NZ volcanic rock.  now gone.

- "Cool Cat" ice cream next door.  now gone.

- perfume point lighthouse, mouth of the inner harbour. Shingle Beach Nextdoor. Many fish from here. https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@-39.4797533,176.8970463,653m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&authuser=0

Ahuriri inner harbour. https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@-39.4791037,176.8948198,404a,35y,186.21h,44.87t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&authuser=0 

- Look for now over 32 big wall mural paintings around napier. Web: https://www.hawkesbayartguide.co.nz/listings/item/sea-walls-murals-for-oceans-127/ - If a Sunday, the old customs room is open as a museum of Ahuriri. Best place for Napier history. -National Tobacco company Art Deco building photos. "Most photographed Art Deco building in the world". https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@-39.4809431,176.8965949,164a,35y,186.21h,45t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&authuser=0

- small supermarket "4 Square supermarket" is opposite National Tobacco building. Buy a basic NZ lotto ticket for next draw. Write your names and contacts (and can add also my name) on back of ticket. Draws Wednesday and Saturday 8pm. Buy an ice cream, Or container of ice cream to share on beach, around the corner.

-Ahuriri inner harbour. West Quay. Many restaurants, pubs, eating...watch the sunset.  39°28'58.6"S 176°53'39.1"E